Clwyd-Powys Archaeology



There are many volunteering opportunities at CPAT. This could be a traditional fieldwork role on one of our project excavations, or something more office bound if you prefer. We have desk based tasks, outdoor activities, outreach events, administrative tasks, finds sorting and cleaning, and even things you can do from home such as promoting us on social media.

To get a flavour of volunteer life with CPAT, read some of our volunteer stories and find out about life at and beyond the trowel’s edge.

Want to volunteer? Download an application form, contact us to discuss.

CPAT volunteer application 2019

First time I’ve been on a dig with cpat through the National Trust.

Found them very informative and explained what they were doing every step of the way, and you were treated as one of the team…. you can’t get better than that.

Ray Mitchell

Great bunch of people, I had the pleasure of volunteering with them for around 4 years.

We had some good pub lunches too!

Rod Trev

I recently spent a few days digging at the Beacon Ring site and although I have done a few digs involving test pits, it was my first experience with larger trenches. I would recommend anyone who has an interest in archaeology in the area to become a friend of CPAT.

Phil Rycroft